Sunday, October 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo and the Year of Winning

I'm revving up to try my hand at NaNo agian this year. I didn't "win" last year (, but I had a great time, met my current writing group, and wrote many more words than I would have if I'd just spent November the way I spent September and October.

I had hoped to be completely done editing Power Trio (Book 1) before starting into Book 2, but the plot is pretty set, so I don't think there will be any major problems. I've also heard that you shouldn't start "Book 2" until you've sold Book 1. I can see the logic- obviously you don't want to spend a ton of time on a series that will never be published, but I'm so attached to the story and the characters I don't think I could not finish it.
How's that for great English? Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Scott Pilgrim: "Double negative... it's tricky."

Anyway, I'm feeling good this year. I might take a little time tomorrow and do a quick outline, so if I get stuck, I'll know where to head. Wish me long, and forgive me if I'm around even less frequently. I have to save all of my amazing wit for those ~1,600 words a day! Ha!


  1. Just write. The blog can wait for a while and we'll still be here when you get back.

    If you need encouragement along the way, just post here and you'll get it.

  2. I just wrote a big long comment but then Blogger ate it. :(

    Here's the short version: word wars on Twitter! Book 2 is fine, but don't wait 7 books to query like someone else I know! Good luck! Go Power Trio!

  3. Thanks! One of the best things about this crazy interwebs thing is getting to connect with other writers who know all about ups and downs and the challenges and triumphs. I had a very successful Nov. 1 (not so much yesterday).

    I'm all about some Twitter Word Wars!

    I also love in my post that I said 'wish me long.' Must have been thinking about writing a nice long scene! :)
